Memorial Day Ceremony 2024

Helping Hand Cemetery Honors Veterans 

Tidewater News article

Community Clean-up Day 2024

Thank you to HHC’s Friends and Families for an awesome clean-up day! May 25, 2024 Supervised by HHC’s Grounds Manager, Elmer Bob Barnes. Sponsored by the HHC. 

2023 Memorial Day Ceremony

The Helping Hand Cemetery Club and the Courtland community honored the African American servicemen interred in the Helping Hand Cemetery by unveiling their Historic Marker and shared stories of three of Courtland's citizens: Ursula Evans, C.W. Brown and Maxine Darden Nowlin. 

 125th Anniversary Ceremony

For the 125th anniversary of the Helping Hand Cemetery, the HHCC hosted a Anniversary Meet and Greet Luncheon featuring speakers Chief Lynette Allston of the Nottoway Indian Tribe of Virginia, Ms. Ann Chinn, Executive Director of the Middle Passage Ceremonies and Port Markers Project, and Mr. Elwood Cephus Stith, Southhampton County genealogist and local historian. Read more about the event in the Tidewater News' feature of the event

Past Memorial Day Celebrations

Maurice Darden- Memorial Day Organizer

Dolores Peterson-  Highlighted all veterans in the Cemetery

Melvin Johnson-  Cemetery History update

HHC  Street View

Salute to all Veterans

Community Participation

Parade March to HHCC

Community Participation

. ​​​​​​​Prep for Salute to all Veterans

Veteran Roles

Cemetery Program Helpers

Preservation Of Virginia Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)Project

Melvin Johnson
"On the morning of 12 November, several board members of Helping Hand Cemetery Club (Maurice Darden, Shelton Darden Jr, Dolores Peterson, Vernon Darden, and Melvin Johnson) met with the Preservation Virginia team, David Givens and his assistant, to perform GPR survey of the Helping Hand Cemetery in Courtland. Also in attendance was Stephen H Cowles, Staff Writer, from the local newspaper, The Tidewater News, who chronicled the activities taking place. Over a period of approximately 4 1/2 hours, the team was able to cover the open areas in the cemetery. To everyone's surprise, there were many hidden graves beneath the surface in these areas. These unmarked graves were marked with flags to be better identified later as grave sites. The Preservation Virginia team, after further analysis, will provide the Helping Hand Cemetery Club with a detailed printout of the GPR results."